Guess life isn't a movie after all.
No such thing as a fairytale ending.
Just playing superheros- we still fall.
Sometimes it feels like sweet heaven sent,
Then we go head on back to hell again.
Paying for the good time party. Love on rent.
The infatuation stage's been kissed goodbye.
We're loving till the point of sickness,
Double dosage of that natural high.
Leap of faith. Have we landed on the right side?
Feels like we're still falling- no safety net.
Don't even know if we're on the same tumbling ride.
There are times when we just want to walk away.
It seems like there's no point. Love hurts too much.
But second chances- love advances at the end of the day.
Maybe we'll hit rock bottom.
Maybe we'll hit sky high.
Maybe this will all be forgotten.
But I guess we'll never know.
So maybe we should take it slow,
And let our love grow.
Just let our love grow.